Sunday, February 20, 2011

A Toast For Mother

I know it's not mother's day, but I would just like to take a moment and recognize the fact that I have the greatest mother in the world. She is my best friend- it's been that way since I can remember. She is the kindest, most selfless, caring, compassionate, loving, wonderful, and [insert any well-meaning adjective here] person I have ever known. She's always been there for me and supported me in everything I've pursued- especially music. When I was young and first starting to play the piano I would often get discouraged and rather watch Power Rangers than plunk on the notes of a piano. However, she saw something special inside of me and continued to push me to learn other instruments and creative arts. Because of her commitment to be the best mother she could to me, I've been learning music for over 14 years and now I'm living me dream. It's amazing- sometimes the people we love see much more in us than we could ever see in ourselves. Thanks, mom. You're an amazing woman. I cannot wait to hang out with you in March. I love you. 


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